Monday, September 30, 2019

Custom as a Source of Law

Abstract The following article tries to establish the fact that the Customs are the most important source of law. It defines customs and gives information about its types and what are the requisite of a valid custom, how are they recognized and why are they recognized? In ancient days the customary laws were the only laws as they were practiced by the people. With the passage of time and modernization of society the customary laws are seen as orthodox laws and are fast receding to the statutory laws, but still the laws that are passed by the parliament has its root in the customary laws |Page Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1958646 Custom occupies an important role in regulation of human conduct in almost all the societies. In fact it is one of the oldest sources of law making, though only a few people are likely to concur with the classical Greek poet Pindar’s maxim, â€Å"Custom is the king of all†. A custom may be defined as a continuing cours e of conduct which by the acquiescence of express approval of the community observing it, has come to be regarded as fixing the norm of conduct for members of society 1.At its inception the English common law derived all its rules from a single source. Sir Carleten Kemp Allen notes 2 ‘ Blackstones â€Å" general customs† and â€Å"customs of the realm† are those fundamental principles in legal relationship which for the most part are not to be found in any express formulation, but are assumed to be inherent in our social arrangements. These are, in short, the common law itself ’. Salmond is of the opinion that custom embodies those principles which are acknowledged and approved, not by the power of the state but by the public opinion of the society at large.Thus he states ‘custom is the embodiment of those principles which have commanded themselves to the national conscience as principles of â€Å"justice† and â€Å"public utility’ 3. Jhon Austin was of the view that no folkway regardless of the fact how respected it is or how much is it followed can influence the law. He was of the view that only those conventions and folkways recognized by the sovereign through some judicial act or legislative disposition might be certified as a customary source of law. Kinds of Custom: 1. Conventional customIt is an established practice whose authority is conditional based on its acceptance and incorporation between the parties bound by it. When two parties enter into a contract generally all the terms of the contract are not set expressly and a large part of it is implied. The intention of the parties entering into an agreement can be gathered by the customary law prevalent at that time The convention custom has three stages of development. In the first stage it should have attained the status of usage. In the second stage it gets recognition through some judicial decision, and presumes the form of a precedent.After this it i s finally accepted as a statutory law. 1 Dias & Hughes: Jurisprudence,(1957) p. 34 2 Allen C. K. : Law in the making 3 Fitzgerald P. J. : Salmond on jurisprudence 2|Page Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1958646 The first section of the Indian contract act, 1872 recognizes the customs that are prevalent in the trade Legal Custom These are those which are operative per se as binding rules of law independent of any agreement between the parties. These, are of two types: 3 †¢ Local CustomHalsbury’s defined local custom as â€Å" a particular rule that has existed actually or presumptively from time immemorial and has obtained the force of law in a particular locality although contrary to or not consistent with the common law of the realm. † 4 So it can be said that a local custom prevails in a small locality. Bigamy in India is allowed in some tribal parts on account of the local custom prevalent at those places. †¢ General Custom A general custom prevails throughout the country and is the main source of the common law of the country.The custom of prohibiting the remarriage of widow in most of the communities of India, before its abolition was a general custom in the country. A general custom is prevalent is usually practiced by all the people living in the country, and is practiced throughout the land. There were many customs but it is not necessary that all are the customs are accepted. For the customs to be accepted as a valid customs it should have some requisite characteristics: 1. Reasonableness A custom must be reasonable.It must be understood that the authority of any custom is never absolute, but it is authoritative provided it confers to the norms of justice and public utility. A custom shall not be valid if it is repugnant to right and reason and is like to do more mischief than good if enforced. The true rule seems to be not that a custom to be admitted if reasonable but that it will be admitted unless it is unreasonable. The custom of recognizing the channel of the river or the stream as the boundary between two villages irrespective of the change in the path cannot be said as unreasonable and hence it was held as a valid custom 5. Halsbury: Laws of England, Vol. X. p. 2 5 Ram Dhan Lal v. Radhey Shyam, 1951 SCR 370 3|Page 2. Consistency A custom to be valid must be in conformity with statutory law. In other words it must not be against any act of Parliament. A custom should necessarily yield where it is against any law, but in many cases there can be some exception to the law or some modifications can be made to it due to any custom. 3. Compulsory observance A custom to be legally recognized as a valid custom must be observed as a right.It means the custom should be followed by all concerned without the use of force. It must be regarded not only an optional rule but as an obligatory rule or binding rule of conduct. If a custom is left to the choice of the individuals, then it is not a costmary law. If the observance of a custom is suspended for certain time than it is assumed that the custom was never in existence 6. 4. Continuity and immemorial Antiquity A custom to be valid should have been in existence from time immemorial.To quote Blackstone â€Å"A custom in order to be legal and binding, must have been used so long that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, if anyone can show the beginning of it, it is no good custom† 7 English law has made an arbitrary limit to the legal memory. It has been fixed as 1189 A. D. – the year of accession of King Richard 1 to the throne which means, if any custom has its roots back to 1189 AD or backwards would be regarded as a valid custom. This time limit was applied in the case of Simpsons v. Wells 8. However in India the limit of 1189 A. D. is not valid 9.In India no definite year has been laid down to determine the antiquity of a custom. It need not to be beyond human memory 10. 5. Certainty Not o nly a custom should be practiced from time immemorial but, it should also be observed continuously and uninterruptedly with certainty. A custom cannot said to be valid from time immemorial unless its certainty and continuity is proved beyond doubt. Theories regarding transformation of custom into law Customary law has not only been established by legislatures or professionally trained judges, but it has come into existence because of popular acceptance and practice.There are two popular theories in this regard (1) Historical theory and, (2) Analytical theory 6. Hamperton v. Hono, (1876) 24 WR 603 7. Blackstone: Commentaries, p. 76 8. (1872) 7 QB 214 9. Gokul Chandra v. Praveen Kumari, AIR 1952 SC 926 10. Mst. Subbhani v. Nawab, ILR 1947 PC 21 4|Page 1. Historical Theory The main components of the historical theory school, namely, Savigny, Blackstone and Henry Maine have suggested that law has its existence because of the common consciousness of the people and the customary observanc e is not the cause of law but the evidence of its existence.Savigny observed, ‘customary laws completely modify or repeal a statute; it may create a new law and substitute it for statutory rule which it has abolished’. Maine regarded custom as ‘formal source of law’. James Carter also supports historical view and is of the opinion that ‘What has governed the conduct of men from the beginning of time will continue to govern to the end of time. Human nature is not likely to undergo radical change and law will forever continue to be custom’11. Criticism Dr.Allen points out that all the customs cannot be contributed to the common consciousness of the people. For instance, a ruling class quite often imposes custom on the governed. It does so for its own interests rather than the interest of the people. The customs in India such as untouchability cannot be contributed to any kind of common consciousness. Therefore any custom cannot be a source of law it should not be again public sentiments. 2. Analytical Theory The main supporter of analytical theory is John Austin who regarded custom as a historical material source.He points out that custom derives its binding force not from its own nature but by state legislation. It means custom becomes a law when it is adopted by an act of parliament or its validity has been established by any judicial decision. He further states that custom only has persuasive value. Customary practices have to be recognized by court before it can become law. Being of persuasive nature it is recognized as historical material source of law. Austin thus concludes that â€Å"Customary law is nothing but judicial law founded upon anterior system. 2† Criticism Dr. Allen has criticized Austinian theory of customary law and pointed out that the fallacy of the Austinian doctrine is in supporting that custom is not law until it has been so pronounced by a court. He observed that the truth is exactly the rev erse of it. According to him, ‘custom is firstly and essentially a law. Custom is enforced by courts because it is already a law, it does not become a law only on enforcement of court. 13’ 11 Carter James: Law, its Origin, Growth & Function, p. 20 12 Austin: Province of Jurisprudence, (1945) p. 165 13 Allen C. K. : Law in the making, pp 84 5|Page CONCLUSION Of all the various sources of law The Customary Laws are definitely the most significant source of law. In the ancient days in the absence of any legislative laws the customary laws were only the prevalent law. These are very important as these are already followed by the people and it is the very reason why many of the customary laws are even recognized today. These customary laws had the approval of the public opinion.There is no doubt that with the development of the judicial process and with the modernization of the society, the importance of custom is receding. When states came into existence they immediately ga ve recognition to the customs prevailing at that time and thus they were recognized as valid laws. But with time customary laws have receded to the statutory laws. The laws relating to sale of goods, inheritance of property, succession, property, contract, sale of goods etc. have all evolved from the customary laws. The codified Hindu laws are nothing but the codification of the prevalent customary laws with some exceptions.It would be wrong on the part of any one to say that the customary laws need recognition from the court. The customary laws are always recognized since they are always in practice. Most of the customary laws that were just in nature and were good for the society have been recognized by the parliament or the court. These laws can be sometimes invalidated if it appears that these are against the public policy and justice. One of the most important reasons why the customs are important source of law is that it that it is highly practiced in the society.So, if any ne w law is made that is contrary to the practiced customs and traditions, will not be accepted by the society. This may lead to chaos and anarchy in the society. So any law that is passed takes into consideration the customs and traditions prevalent in the society at that time. The state by its legislation only validates the existing customs. It may in some exceptional cases also modify or nullify some of the customs if it is for the welfare of most of the people of the society. So in this way the state makes laws mainly based on the customs that are good for the society 6|Page

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analytical essay of Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral” Essay

Blindness can manifest itself in many ways. Arguably the most detrimental form of this condition may be the figurative blindness of ones own situations and ignorance towards the feelings of others. In Raymond Carver’s short story â€Å"Cathedral,† the narrator’s emotional and psychological blindness is immediately apparent. The many issues faced by the narrator as well as the turn-around experienced at the culmination of the tale are the main ideas for the theme of this story; and these ideas aid the narrator in eventually succumbing to character transformation by simply regarding the literal blind man in a positive light. The narrators statement at the very beginning of the story explains his own lack of knowledge concerning physical blindness. His lack of knowledge relating to the visitors disability is undeniable, yet he makes it very clear that he is aware of this ignorance, stating that he wasnt enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing-eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to.† (90) These statements sum up his entire attitude about Robert (the houseguest) and other blind people in general at the onset of the story, giving the narrator an instant feeling of exactly who the narrator and even what he may turn out to be. While there are many undertones concerning other things about which he is unaware, the specific topic of character awareness is the main thought of the storys plot, ultimat ely developing into a solid theme. The introduction of the story explains the relationship between narrators wife and the blind man, detailing how it evolved to its present status. It is here the reader may see other examples of the figurative blindness from which the narrator suffers because of his knowledge of the relationship between the two, which seem to stem from his own troubled relationship with his wife. His wife gives him an ultimatum for acceptance of the blind man, stating that if her husband loves her, he would do this for me. If you dont love me, okay. (92) Throughout the story the narrator exudes jealousy toward the relationship his wife and the blind man share. Insecurity gives way to a troubled relationship with his wife. The narrator revaluates his suspicious  ideas regarding the troubled relationship; and his ultimate personal transformation gives way to the foreshadowing of a profound epiphany surrounding the entire story. Drug and alcohol usage throughout the entire story significantly adds to another blindness of which the subject is oblivious. Once Robert arrives, he is immediately introduced to social drinking, especially when he is questioned for his choice of drink. The narrator quickly supports this inquiry by further explaining that he and his wife carry a little of everything. It’s one of our pastimes.† (94) From this point on in the plot, drug and alcohol usage is described. The final enlightenment experienced by the narrator is a direct result of the mindset brought upon by his marijuana usage. In fact, many of his described problems may be attributed to his drinking and drug use. The effects of these habits are shown very well as the narrator and Robert converse directly after smoking a marijuana cigarette: â€Å"I reached for my glass. But it was empty. I tried to remember what I could remember.† (98) This exact portion of the dialogue accurately describes that of someo ne who is under the influence of a foreign substance. Once presented, the negative effects of drug usage on the characters are obvious throughout the story. The story climaxes after the wife falls asleep and the two men are finally allowed to converse with each other. It is at this time when the narrator finally gets to see the attitude and thoughts of the blind man, leading directly to his own personal transformation. When Robert asks whether or not the narrator is religious, his ambiguous response â€Å"I guess I dont believe in it. In anything. Sometimes its hard. You know what I’m saying?† (99) leads the reader (and Robert, as well) to see that this man is in need of something which means more than physical blindness. The reader becomes aware that this blind man feels it necessary to help the narrator both mentally and emotionally, bringing justice and understanding to a man filled with petty ideals. Once Robert has fulfilled this deed, the narrator begins to understand that certain positions of his are, and always has been, wrong, leading to an ultimate revelation towards change. Many among society today have a minute understanding of what it is to truly see, that this initiative  is more than physical viewing and bases itself mainly on emotional understanding, for instance, figuratively seeing what is inside other people, what they feel and how they think. Conclusively, the final drawing of the Cathedral truly helps the reader understand the meaning of achievement through working together. The two men hold hands while drawing the Cathedral, which inevitably is the basis for the story being told. If not for this truly life-changing experience, this narrator would simply have continued on his close-minded lifestyle never learning about or accepting other people as they are. The last few sentences of this story paint a beautiful picture of someone coming to the realization that being blind is not an affliction that is limited solely to the body. A person can be blind to the feelings of others and the problems that can affect our everyday life, yet through interaction and tolerance an individual can find both themselves and an awareness for people around them. Work Cited Carver, Raymond. Cathedral Literature and its writers. 4th ed. Ed. Ann Charters and Samuel Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins,2007. 91-113

Friday, September 27, 2019

Rural Telecom Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Rural Telecom Industry - Essay Example Cities, towns, villages, remote interiors across the globe, are all getting connected through fixed landlines or GSMs. In this context, besides the basic issue of connectivity, network management has become a challenge. A few years ago, getting connectivity to rural areas was a huge task. Today, it is the management of data, which has taken precedence in the area. Here, we review the challenges faced by the rural telecom industry worldwide and the shifts that have taken place in the past few years. "Network managers tasked with managing their company's telecom budget are familiar with the fact that their bills are often incorrect. From charges for circuits that should have been disconnected years ago to using old, higher rates for current data lines, errors are not uncommon." Other companies, which outsource the software solutions, are also offering bill auditing and TEM services. As telecom companies grow to cater to the needs of the rural populance, the same business users may just find an increased need for TEM products or services. According to C. Jagadish*,,1, Vinod Kumar Jammula1 and Timothy A. Gonsalves2 in the paper Low-cost data communication network for rural telecom network management "the backbone networking infrastructure of rural telecom networks is often costly and is of limited bandwidth. ... According to C. Jagadish*,,1, Vinod Kumar Jammula1 and Timothy A. Gonsalves2 in the paper Low-cost data communication network for rural telecom network management "the backbone networking infrastructure of rural telecom networks is often costly and is of limited bandwidth. The availability of connectivity such as DSL or leased lines is scarce. In order to keep operational costs low, these rural telecom networks are often kept unmanned and are managed from a centralized network management station (NMS). This often requires a low-cost, efficient and reliable data communication network (DCN) between the rural telecom equipment and the central NMS. The conventional DCN used for telecom management consists either of leased lines or Internet connectivity. These are often costly and not freely available in rural areas." The researchers developed a new DCN model, based on dial-up, which is easily available. This DCN has been implemented in corDECT networks, which is currently in use in India and Tunisia, and is under implementation in other countries. It has been shown that this DCN meets the QoS requirements of a telecom network at an affordable cost. Today in India and other developing countries the telecom network is fast growing and considered to be critical for technological development. But the growth rate in urban and rural areas is asymmetrical. Telecom operators often neglect deployment in rural/undeveloped areas. The major discouraging factors are low population density, low affordability and lack of skilled personnel. Thus factors absolutely necessary for a rural telecom solution are low cost infrastructure and low operational costs. A centralized network management system (NMS) will ensure low infrastructure cost . A centralized NMS will

New Product Development Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

New Product Development Research Paper - Essay Example Since customer's satisfaction is the main aim of any company, the company must concentrate on the development process. The new product development methodologies must be used. Product development process is a collection of methods that assist in developing the product. These methods are implemented to develop a product according to the specifications. The customer's requirements are gathered and they are analyzed. The demand for a particular product must be known before developing the product. The manager is responsible for conducting a research that studies the requirements and expectations of the customer. (Annacchino, 2007).The frequency of the product's demand must also be studied since it will help in the development of the product. The product development process is a set of steps that are followed to design and develop a product. The various steps in the product development process are: These steps in turn involve various sub modules and methods. If a new product is introduces in the market, it may have a positive or negative effect. It depends on the working of the product and the sales and service. The company has to decide on the rate of new product development. The rate of production includes the number of products that are introduced in a year. This can be identified by conducting a survey and study within the company. The new product development rate depends on the company's financial status and demand in the market. If the demand for a particular product is more, the company should first manufacture the corresponding and then concentrate on the design and development of a new product. The product development steps are carried out in order to develop a complete product that can stand in the market for a longer time. Market study is an important part of the development process. This market study will help the company to know about the current market status and the customer's demand for the company's product. New Product Development Methodology (NPD) New product development methodology provides a predefined framework that includes the steps for planning and developing the product. (Annacchino, 2007).The design, development, testing and implementation are the common processes in the product development methodology. Though several methods are used to develop a product, certain methods are popular among the companies. One among them is Stage-Gate process. This method is widely used in the manufacturing industries. This stage-gate process consists of various gates that act as the intermediary between each of the phase of development. This methodology contains various steps. They are: Discovery, Scope of product, business case, development, testing and validation, launch and review. Each phase of development consists of a gate which acts as a decision making system. The phases of development are outlined below. Discovery In this stage of development process, the idea is discovered. This idea is the base for the development of the product. The product's baseline and the concept are defined in this stage. Then the idea is tested for feasibility. This is achieved by a feasibility study that collects information regarding the product and financial status of the company. The resources required to develop the product are also examined. Scope of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Develop a personal view on what business ethics means Essay

Develop a personal view on what business ethics means - Essay Example In the case above, ethical values can be demonstrated where the law suggests that animals are to be given intrinsic value as well as their value of human welfare. It is therefore important to observe species such as the turtles which are known to be scarce thus should not be discriminated. Recent development in North American beaches has significantly reduced the existence of these species as that’s where they breed. Ethical dilemmas are a normal occurrence to many managers. Sea turtles in the US water have been an endangered species for a long time. Due to the growing number of endangered species in the US an act referred to as Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973. This was meant to protect the endangered and threatened animal and plant species. Turtle’s population in America has decreased in the past years as a result of many predisposing factors like beach development on their habitat, killing of females and taking away the eggs, leaking oil in the water basins, water pollution and extravagant fishing. Efforts have been set to protect the endangered species. These efforts include; after the female hatch, the eggs are taken to a protected marine environment where they would hatch, introduction of the TED, increase in the number of hatcheries and regulation of the inshore areas (Cruver 2002). Despite many challenges to save the turtle which included violence against the use of TED device, more efforts were put into place to enhance their sa fety. Anyone who violated the TED was fined depending on the circumstances. The TED device however faced many critics which followed with shrimpers protesting that they were forced to use TED. United States population consumes a lot of turtles and to save them they started importing from China and other countries where fishing of turtles is legal. Such kind of arguments showed that there was need for a law to protect the lives of sea animals and encourage them from reproduction. All

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 109

Case Study Example Ritz Cal-ton maintained its status in luxury services by introducing the loyalty program that induced customers. The redemption of point obtained from such program attracted more customers than available services and the experience. Ritz-Cal-ton further introduced the frequent guest stay program to stay ahead of competitors. This they did to satisfy the need of their customer and even attract more. The program also fitted the business and it could offer excellent programs through their branches in various continents. They went further by offering airline flights, and a broad selection of unique flight experiences. Competitors did not offer these services at that time that made Ritz Cal-ton to stay above them. In addition, the partnership of Ritz-Cal-ton reward program and Marriott’s reward points being accepted in Ritz-Cal-ton properties and equally accepted in Marriot hotels. Looking at the past and comparing to present, most of previous luxuries have become necessities in luxury brands. Luxury brands should find a way of providing their customers with what they consider as most unattainable now to stay above competitors. Luxury brands like Ritz-Carl-ton should work on improving experience of their customers every time (Jonas and Coste-Manière, 6). Coussement, Martha A., Tanyatanaboon, Maneenuch., Li, Zhouyang., Shportko, Anastasia, and Miao, Li "A Strategy of Duality: New choreography for the Marriott/Ritz-Carlton dance." Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases 3.2 (n.d.): Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 6 Case Study Example The other risk faced by contractors in the construction sector is the challenge of identified an efficient subcontractor to help in the completion of the project and who can deliver on time. Most construction projects have a time line and the services of subcontractors important in completing the project on time. However, poor planning can result in a delay to complete the project and this also result in additional costs for the contractor in case the contract signed a fixed price contract. In a fixed price contract, the risk remains with the contractor and as a result, the project manager and the team working in the construction project need to conduct an extensive risk assessment to ensure that risks during the progress of the project are minimal. This is because in such a contract, unforeseen risks related to a project often remain on the side of the contractor (Adams, 2008). This paper examines the failures in the construction of Wembley stadium and how and an effective risk mana gement process can be used to avoid such failures. Wembley stadium is in England and mostly used for football matches and was first constructed in 1923. However, as a result of its dilapidated nature, the government decided to rebuild the stadium to replace the original one. As a result of poor planning, the project took longer to complete than previously expected. In addition, the cost for completing the project also increased compared to the initial estimates. The design of the stadium proposed by the winning bidder involved using steel arch, which added an aesthetic value to the stadium in addition to being a load bearer. This means that the structure did not need many internal support considered to obstruct the stadium’s view. The arch was also believed to improve the seating quality within the stadium. However, this design had

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discuss the Ability of Private Individuals to Seek Damage for Breaches Essay

Discuss the Ability of Private Individuals to Seek Damage for Breaches of EU - Essay Example The outcome of the comparative report has enabled the European Commission to know the hurdles in the path of activating the private application of competition law within the Member States and discuss the ways by which a more dependable system of private antitrust enforcement could be created. The relative analysis of the various legal systems in the EU indicates a huge difference in the member states handling of competition law claims. Process-related differences between national legal systems in the EU are turning in favour of forum shopping in inter-state cases. Before taking an action, applicants involved in inter-state process can check the benefits and disadvantages of national jurisdictions before furthering an action for losses in one or many member states. The EU member states are expected to adhere to EC law, but the processes they follow for private enforcement cases are controlled at a national level. Changes to national law in one member state, like it happened in Germany , do not impress other member states. This gap between national process of the law and EC law needs to be settled for adopting an EU-wide universally dependable system4. This paper will discuss some leading trends in three of the Member States including Germany, UK and Italy. The role of European Commission in making the EU competition law very efficient on the private enforcements would be discussed. European Commission attained this aim by issuing the Green Paper in 2005, which was followed by the White Paper in 2008. The Courage5 verdict by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), brought more in focus the right of private individuals to fight for losses as an outcome of violations of EC competition rules, (specifically losses caused from breaches of Art 101 and Art 102 TFEU). One of the most significant reasons of the long ignorance of the private antirust from the competition policy is the distinct European system. The European Commission and European Courts impact private antitrus t cases as they have registered their attendance in public competition law enforcement. Furthermore, the European Courts are not competent enough to decree on private enforcement of EC law infringements. The European Court of Justice only considers preliminary references by national courts of the Member States such as Courage and later Manfredi6 cases. Only in select cases the ECJ has taken a stance, as Courage and Manfredi cases have huge impression on the competition law policy7. The fight between Entrepreneur Estates (previously Courage) and MrCrehan over a beer tie agreement prompted the ECJs Courage decision in 2001. The Court said that â€Å"[...] the practical effect of the prohibition laid down in Article 85(1) [Art 101(1)] would be put at risk if it were not open to any individual to claim damages for loss caused to him by a contract or by conduct liable to restrict or distort competition†8. This personal right to seek reward for the damage caused by infringement of competition rules was again reasserted in Manfredi case in Italy9. The ECJ stated as based on the principle of effectiveness the national courts o

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Reflection - Essay Example ent stages; the first stage is usually characterized by individual centered ideas whereby each persons views life negatively and tend to behave in horrible manners. The second stage is caused by cultural characteristics which make people perceive their lives as unattractive. Consequently, the third stage of tribal development involves a situation whereby people tend to develop positive feelings about their lives and tend to think it is great while in the real sense it is not. The fourth of tribal development is characterized by a situation where individuals are united by similar positive achievements that are distinct from other tribes hence view themselves as great. Lastly, in the fifth stage people perceive life as great and come together to make decisions that affect the entire tribe. I also learnt that leaders have a great influence on the lives of each individual tribe member and has the responsibility to reach all the members especially at stage one of tribal development in order to enable the tribe to move to the second stage. Leaders also have the responsibility to connect the tribe with other tribes through interaction and consultation with the others. To begin with, I will apply the knowledge on consultation between different tribal leaders to conduct consultation with other leaders in order to facilitate the attainment of my group’s objectives as well as goals. In planning of the Group’s activities, I would conduct meetings with my group members in order to formulate common development objectives hence reducing conflicts that may occur. This knowledge has also increased my understanding that it is imperative for leaders to unite their groups with other groups in order to promote peace and development. These two documents discusses one common skill that is imperative in the improving workers’ performance in various fields; the Transdisciplinarity document discusses the importance of the ability of workers to integrate knowledge and skills from

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Essay Example for Free

The Effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Essay Introduction: Alcohol is a drug with a depressant effect. Alcohol can negatively affect your brain, liver, central nervous system, and heart. The immediate effects of alcohol consumption are delayed reflexes and slurred speech. Since it is a depressant, alcohol slows down your brain. Consuming alcohol regularly can also lead to alcoholism. Alcoholism is a long-term chronic disease, it is when you a mentally or physically addicted to alcohol. Alcohol is a dangerous drug and should be consumed, if at all, under moderation. A teratogen is any agent that can damage a fetus and therefore cause a birth defect. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous teratogens. There is no proven safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Every time a pregnant woman has a drink, the alcohol enters her bloodstream. It crosses the placenta and enters the fetus through the umbilical cord. So every time a pregnant woman has a drink, her baby does too! The blood alcohol level of the fetus is therefore equal to or greater than the blood alcohol level of the mother. Though the mother can break down the alcohol, the fetus’ underdeveloped body cannot. Thus, it maintains the blood alcohol level for much longer. You can imagine that fetus’ have a very low tolerance for alcohol. Exposure to alcohol affects almost every part of a fetus’ body. The brain, face, ears, eyes, bones, kidney, and heart are all affected by alcohol. It causes blood vessels to constrict and disrupts the blood flow in the placenta. Oxygen and nourishment are thus prevented from entering the developing fetus. Cell deaths caused by alcohol cause different parts of the fetus to develop abnormally. The development of nerve cells is also affected by alcohol, which may impact the way the brain develops, and functions. The brain is the most vulnerable to alcohol exposure since it is developing throughout pregnancy. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a life long condition with effects such as mental retardation, growth deficiency, abnormal facial features, and central nervous system problems. It develops in babies whose mother drank excessive levels of alcohol during pregnancy. Since no level of alcohol consumption is considered safe during pregnancy, it is highly recommended not to drink at all. Surveys shows that approximately 130,000 women have admitted to consuming levels of alcohol where Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is possible. 40,000 women, unfortunately give birth to a baby with suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the most serve of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Babies with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have central nervous system damage. Since of the prenatal alcohol exposure, the brain cells are either underdeveloped or malformed. It is the number one cause for mental retardation. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome not only causes cognitive disabilities, but also functional disabilities. Unfortunately, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is permanent and incurable. It not only affects the baby, but the family that must raise the baby. One of the symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is growth deficiency. Anyone with a growth deficiency is either underweight, under height, or both. Those who suffer from it fall below the tenth percentile of standardized growth charts. Severe growth deficiency is defined when height and weight are either less than or equal to the third percentile. Moderate growth deficiency is when the height or the weight is either less than or equal to the third percentile. While mild growth deficiency is when both weight and height are between the third and tenth percentile. â€Å" In classic cases, FAS children grow taller at about 60 percent of the normal rate through early childhood, while their weight increases at about 33 percent of the normal rate. Thus, they appear unusually slender or even malnourished despite an adequate diet. (Jon M Aase, MD 1998) † The children will remain smaller than ninety percent of other same aged normal children. Another symptom of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is abnormal facial features. The presence of abnormal facial feature indicates brain damage. Three facial features that are unique to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are a smooth philtrum, thin vermilion, and small palpebral fissures. A smooth philtrum means the groove between the nose and upper lip is flatter than normal. The higher the prenatal alcohol exposure, the flatter the groove. Small palpebral fissure is smaller eye width than normal and thin vermilion is a thinner upper lip. The last symptom of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is central nervous system damage. There are thee areas to determine the magnitude of central nervous system damage. They are structural, neurological, and functional. Structural abnormalities can be seen such as small head size or abnormal brain structure. Structural abnormalities usually occur during the third trimester of pregnancy when alcohol affects the organization of brain cells. Neurological problems can also affect the peripheral nervous system, which consists of the somatic and autonomic nervous system. Some Neurological problems are seizure, impaired motor skills, clumsiness, and horrible hand- eye coordination. Functional problems are often referred to as development disabilities such as learning disabilities, etc. During the third trimester of pregnancy, the hippocampus can be damaged. The hippocampus is the major component of the brain in mammal and responsible for memory, emotion, decoding visual and auditory data, and learning. Damage of the hippocampus usually results in neurological and functional problems. The only way to prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is to not drink during pregnancy. â€Å" A mother must be a heavy drinker throughout her pregnancy in order for her baby to be diagnosed with FAS. Drinking during the first trimester of pregnancy produces the facial abnormalities characteristic of FAS. Drinking during the second and third trimesters affects growth. Drinking during the third trimester results in dysfunction of the nervous system, mental retardation and learning/behavior deficiencies. ( Mesa 1997) † Breast-feeding while pregnant is also a big no-no. Breast milk retains small amounts of alcohol and while breast feeding it is passed onto the baby. Babies with mother’s who consumed small amounts of alcohol were shown to have trouble acquiring motor skills. Mother’s who consume large amounts of alcohol may altogether lose the ability to breast-feed. The ejection of milk from the breast will become difficult. It is recommended to wait two hours if you do have a drink before breast-feeding for the best health of the baby. There are many other birth defects a baby can suffer from other than Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Prenatal Alcohol Exposures may cause a heart murmur in a baby. A murmur is an unusual sound heard from the heart caused by leaking valve. Another condition is Strabismus. This is when the eyes are not properly aligned. Cleft lip is also another abnormality. â€Å" Prenatal exposure to alcohol can damage a fetus at any time, causing problems that persist throughout the individual’s life. There is no known safe level of alcohol use in pregnancy. (US Health Dept 2007) † So alcohol should be completely avoided during pregnancy. References http://casaa. unm. edu/fas/FAS-Clin. html http://www. mc. maricopa. edu/dept/d46/psy/dev/fall00/Substance/fas. html http://www. cdc. gov/ncbddd/fasd/alcohol-use. html http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/fetal-alcohol-syndrome/ds00184 http://www. marchofdimes. com/professionals/14332_1170. asp#head1 www. cdc. gov/ncbddd/fas/fasprev. htm.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Counseling Couples And Families Psychology Essay

Counseling Couples And Families Psychology Essay This paper examines the approach towards the counselling of families and the technique behind cognitive behavioural therapy, within the context of psychology. The paper provides a brief introduction to family counselling methods and approaches and particular focus on cognitive behavioural therapy. The paper is structured into two main parts: Part 1 deals with the method, technique and application of cognitive behavioural therapy whereas Part 2 deals with the more holistic approach of integrating this with personal belief and family values. The conclusion provides a summary of the key points. INTRODUCTION There are varied approaches to Family Counselling and these include such items as structural, psychoanalytic, bowenian, experiential etc. This paper focuses upon the aspect of cognitive behavioural family therapy. Early in the family therapy movement, this approach was treated with a degree of scepticism by the more traditionalist family counsellors. They saw the technique as having insufficient depth to deal with the complexities and dynamics of family dysfunction. In the early days, this approach was only considered useful in the counselling of children with family disorders but it has since evolved into much wider applications. It is only in the last 10 years that Cognitive Behavioural therapy as emerged in its own right as a major approach to family counselling. (Leahy, R. 2004) The different approaches to family counselling are extensively discussed in the work of Goldenberg. (Goldenberg, H, 2008). Cognitive behavioural approaches have been particularly successful in treating adolescents and youths with behavioural problems. The theoretical approach has the capability of adapting to different behavioural circumstances and environments. It deals with both emotional and social domains and as such is extremely persuasive in its applied application. The theory deals directly with those cognitive forces that stimulate emotional reactions and behavioural responses. As such it provides a problem solving orientation in order to determine the best or most suitable forms of psychological treatment. In order to deal successfully with cognitive problems it is important to gain a precise understanding of the emotions being displayed and understand the causation factors behind these. Mental health professionals have outlined the importance of family and social relationsh ips as an important contributory part of the therapeutic process in treating problems. As such favourable outcomes in treatment are highly influenced by a positive approach and supportive stance being adopted from the parents. (Kendall, P.C. 2006) COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL FAMILY THERAPY In the early days, the behavioural therapist saw only those individuals who were involved in problematic marriages. The others are children within problem families. The concept of strategic behavioural therapy developed the need to build on individual cognitive frameworks. Two of the major contributors were Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis. Both of these were influenced by Freud (instinct), Jung (mysticism) and Adler (common sense). Hence, from the perspective of the behavioural counsellor thoughts resulted in feelings and these in turn led to behavioural responses. (Friedberg, R.D. 2010) The problem areas that most readily identified with cognitive behavioural approach were that of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Anxiety, mood disorder, marriage and family therapy and eating disorders. The goal of CBT is considered threefold: (i) To enable the patient to become more aware that help is available and remedial action can be applied (ii) To assist the client in greater awareness of the problem and thereby invoke both confidence and belief (iii) to inspire the counsellor towards a more positive therapeutic approach. It is important that the counsellor develops a rapport with the patient and helps in the development of new cognition. The important aspect of CBT is that it is a relative short form of treatment and only requires about 4-7 months of therapy in order to treat most form of problems. It is essentially a combination of psychotherapy and behavioural therapy and combines a joint approach between patient and counsellor in order to determine a set of principles that can be applied to their daily lives. CBT uses the assumption that it is not the events that disturb us but the interpretation and meaning we give them. Hence if we provide too much of a negative emphasis we are blocked from doing action that we do not believe in. In this concept we only hang on to old thoughts and are prevented from learning new things. (Martin, B. 2012) Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) may be described a treatment modality that combines a number of techniques i.e. relaxation and soothing skills, cognitive behavioural techniques and improvement of self-awareness skills. In this context, modality may be defined as an application approach using a therapeutic agent. The approach to treatment is by that of problem solving, cognitive modification, exposure skills and contingency management. Patients with borderline personality disorders or those showing suicidal tendencies are difficult to treat. DBT is an innovative therapeutic approach aimed at addressing these needs. (Swales, B.K. 2011) The main aspect of DBT is that of accepting the condition of the patient whilst trying to teach them to change. This is achieved by building and maintaining a positive relationship with the client. The therapy looks towards getting the client to understand the reasons for the suicidal or dysfunctional behaviour. There are essentially four modes of treatment: (i) Individual Therapy the main body of work (ii) Group Skills teaching a number of techniques that include emotion moderation skills, inter-personal effectiveness, distress, tolerance etc. (iii) Telephone contact provision of help line sessions by telephone, outside of the main therapy sessions (iv) Therapist consultation group sessions in the DBT mode; the therapists work collectively to remain dialectical in the interaction with one another. (Capuzzi, D. 2008) There is a large literature base covering this area. Much of the work on dialectical behavioural therapy comes from Marsha Lineham who is a clinical psychologist based in Seattle. (Palmer, 2002). The concept of dialectical thinking has been defined as the manner in which the broader thought concept expresses the considered limitations of linear ideas on causation. (Palmer, R.L. 2002). Counselling and Marriage Problems Modern society poses numerous challenges upon a successful marriage. One of the most demanding is that of financial hardship. That might be brought on by a job loss or physical illness, leaving ones spouse to cope with the problem. This is often the situation where marital communications breakdown, when in fact it is the most important time for working as a team and communicating with one another. Another important issue is the loss of self-image, where either weight gain or loss occurs. [The concept of obesity or anorexic] this can lead to bouts of depression and subsequent illness. Another factor is dealing with family relationships, and this is particularly trying in new marriages. The concept of dealing with intervention and demands by in-laws, and having to deal with expectations that posed a strain on the marriage. The concept of long-term illness, disability or major illness can impose a tremendous strain on the spouse who is working and equally having to look after their part ner. (Long, H. 2010) In the last 20 years we have seen a dramatic rise in divorce rates, particularly in the US and Western Europe. Studies have indicated that this decline in marriage is largely due to the general breakdown and weakening of the traditional family structure. It is the maintenance of the family structure that really necessitates the importance of marriage. The children produced from the marriage are the future in terms of perpetuating human society. Strong family values teach the children the ethics and the social responsibilities of adulthood. The love of the parents to the children translates to the personality of the adult. The displacement of this leads to a more random outcome and potentially more uncaring society. Research carried out in the UK indicated that a large majority of those surveyed feel marriage is no longer necessary today. (Papadopoulos, L. 2010) FAMILY COUNSELLING AND CHRISTIANITY Family counselling can be provided from a Christian perspective and there are many voluntary services that offer this service. I believe that you dont necessarily have to be a Christian in order to help others in distress or need but the overarching philosophy of Christianity supports this. The objective of the Christian approach is to bring the sincerity of love and care into the power of healing and a theoretical orientation into listening, understanding and relating to peoples problems. As such faith based counselling is not applied based on winning converts to Christianity but is part of an overall philosophy of the religion that is devoted to the care, well-being and help of mankind. There are for example biblical teachings that help in provision of guidance for dealing with people that have mental issues and family troubles. This is not achieved by the imposition of views on others but understanding client needs and providing a service of focused intervention in order to help t hem navigate towards a successful outcome. One of the fundamental approaches to that of Christian counselling is the provision of holistic strategies that equip the families with a basis to understand their relationships, the ability to re-connect and rediscover the love for one another and getting to grips with the root cause analysis of problems in order that they are better equipped to deal with them. Using the strengths-based approach it is helped that such counselling services helps to make a difference and by a joint participatory approach it is possible to heal people from past hurts and retributions in order to expose the family to a renewed and better relationship through the preservation of family relationships. A break down in family communications are often attributed to many of the marital problems that require intervention and counselling. There are numerous challenges in the integration of Christian principles into family therapy and counselling services. It was Berger and Luckman (1967) that managed to distinguish between two core competencies in family counselling i.e. primary socialisation where the process involves the identification as a member of a social group i.e. where a child still has abstract views of the social world and that of secondary socialisation where a child has already internalized a specific view of the world. In a marital break-down, the children are often the most vulnerable in terms of conceptualising what is taking place in terms of a communications breakdown. The more modern approach is that of permissive parenting. These types of parents often adopt an indulgent style as such they have very few demands to make of their children because they have low expectations from them in terms of discipline and maturity. The parents become more responsive than demanding. Such approaches are very lenient, flexible and do not require mature behaviour. The style is very much geared towards nurturing the children and becoming more of a trusted friend than that of a parent. In the US this has been termed the buddy approach. It is seen as being far more effective from a communications viewpoint as the child is more likely to confide in you and seek advice as a friend as opposed to a figure of authority that scares or intimidates. It provides for a healthier more deeply affectionate relationship as the parent is viewed more of a coach / mentor figure that someone who is rule bound and inflexible. This style can make for much happier parenting relationships and provides much better management of the puberty and teenage years. The downside is that you may not always be taken seriously and in the teenage years the children may become manipulative. This is the question of balance and ensuring that whilst you are a friend you are also the parent and as such have the final decision in terms of the more important decisions that need to be made. This particularly where teenage relationships and wise counselling are concerned e.g. substance abuse, external influences, behavioural considerations etc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Modelling Programmes for Industrial Scale Drug Production

Modelling Programmes for Industrial Scale Drug Production Different modelling programs of the production of a drug on an industrial scale Crystallisation: Crystallisation is usually used for the split-up, purification and the creation stage in the chemical industries. It is one of the oldest and most crucial unit operations. Crystallisation is a practical method of gaining a chemical substance that is concentrated. This concentrated chemical substance is in a form that is nice and simple to handle. There are various ways in which crystallisation could be carried out, such as melt, vapour and solution. However, recently melt has been the most popular one as there are great demands for it because of its good purification technique. Chemist always wants to get the chemicals they make as pure as possible and a good way of purifying chemicals is to make crystals of them. When they are in solution, you can have all sorts of impurities. But when they form crystals, the crystals the crystals contain much purer compounds than in the solutions. And the impurities are left in the solution. Generally, the crystals are a very precise arrangement of molecules all the same fitting together. The impurity has a different shape so it doesn’t fit in properly. Sometimes we get an impurity that is the wrong shape and we can get rid of it. Each time we recrystallise it e.g. make some solution, form crystals, filter them out, re-dissolve them, and form more crystals. Each time we crystallise it we get a purer and purer compound. Sometimes in the old days people crystallised thousands of times to get something really pure. The problem is that when you have a solution even if you want to cool it down which is the standard way of getting crystals to form. The crystals cannot form unless you get it something small for the first crystal to form around. Once the first one goes, the whole lot goes (, 2014). There are three following steps in which the development of a certain crystal for the duration of crystallisation process follows. The three following steps that it continues over are; nucleation, crystal growth and Ostwald ripening. Embryos are created by the molecules of the substance combined, in the nucleation step. A macroscopic crystal can be created if the circumstances are for example if the embryo is allowed to reach a critical size known as nucleus. However, the embryo will dissolve if the circumstance is such that it is not possible to reach the critical nuclear size. Crystallising substance can exist in more than one crystalline phase for example; solvates or polymorphs. If that’s the case then each stage will have its own specific embryonic combined and nucleus. The differen t embryos in the supersaturated solution compete for solute molecules (, 2014). The type of embryo that first reaches the critical nuclear size forms a nucleus for that particular crystalline phase and hence enables that phase to grow into macroscopic crystals. Because of the time that is involved in the competition for nucleation this step is controlled by kinetic considerations on condition that that the thermodynamic driving force for the formation of the crystallizing phase is favourable, i.e., ΔG is negative (, 2014). Drug Design: Drug design is sometimes referred to as rational drug design. This is the inventive process of finding new medications based on the knowledge of a biological target. The drug is usually an organic small molecule that activates or inhibits the function of a biomolecule e.g. such as a protein, which in turn results in a therapeutic benefit to the patient. Drug design, in the most basic sense, involves the design of small molecules that are complementary in shape and charge to the bimolecular target with which they interact and therefore will bind to it. Drug design often but not essentially relies on computer modelling techniques. This type of modelling is often referred to as computer-aided drug design. Lastly, drug design that relies on the information of the three-dimensional structure of the bimolecular target is known as structure-based drug design. The phrase drug design is to some extent a contradiction, but what is really meant by drug design is ligand design (i.e., design of a small molecule that will bind tightly to its target). Although modelling techniques for prediction of binding affinity are reasonably effective, there are many other properties, e.g. such as bioavailability, lack of side effects, metabolic half-life, etc. That first must be optimized before a ligand can become a safe and efficient drug. These other characteristics are often difficult to optimize using rational drug design techniques (drug design, 2014). Typically a drug target is a key molecule involved in a particular metabolic or signalling pathway that is specific to a disease condition or pathology or to the infectivity or survival of a microbial pathogen. There are some methods that attempt to inhibit the functioning of the pathway in the diseased state by causing a key molecule to stop functioning. Drugs may be designed that bind to the active region and inhibit this main molecule. Another method may be to enhance the normal pathway by promoting specific molecules in the normal pathways that may have been affected in the diseased state. Also adding to that, these drugs should also be designed so as not to affect any other important off-target molecules or anti-targets that may be similar in appearance to the target molecule, since drug communications with off-target molecules may lead to undesirable side effects. Sequence homology is frequently used to identify such risks (drug design, 2014). Most frequently, drugs are organic small molecules produced through chemical mixture, but biopolymer-based drugs, also known as biologics, which is produced through biological processes, are becoming gradually more common. In addition, mRNA-based gene silencing technologies may have therapeutic applications (drug design, 2014). There are two types of drug design; one is Ligand based and the other Structure based drug design. Ligand based drug design is when you don’t know the structure. On the other hand, structure based drug design is when you do know the structure. Methods of drug design: 2.1.1Ligand-based Ligand based drug design, which is also sometimes referred to as indirect drug design, depends on the information given of other molecules that attach to the biological object. A pharmacophore model can be derived by using these other molecules that attach to the biological object. A pharmacophore is a theoretical description for molecular features that are essential in order to obtain molecular recognition of ligand by a biological macromolecule, a very large molecule. This defines the minimum essential structural features a molecule needs to have for it to attach to the object. In other words a model of the biological object can be built based on the information obtained of what attach to it and this model can also be used for designing new molecular objects that act together with the biological object. On the other hand, a quantitative structure activity relationship which correlation between calculated properties of molecules and their experimentally determined biological activit y, can be derived. These quantitative structure activity relationships in turn can be used to predict the activity of new analogues (Ligand-based drug design, 2014). 2.1.2Structure based The other method is called structure-based drug design. Structure based drug design, which is also referred to as direct drug design, depends on the information given about the three dimensional structure of the biological object gained from methods such as x-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy. If an experimental structure of an object is not available then it can be possible to make a homology model of the object based on the experimental structure of a related protein. Using the structure of the biological object candidate drugs that are predicted to attach to the high affinity and selectivity to the object can be designed using interactive graphics and the intuition of a medicinal chemistry or various automated computational procedures to suggest new drug candidates. The knowledge about the structural dynamics and electronic properties about ligands increased with more information concerning three dimensional structures of bimolecular objects. Current methods for structure ba sed drug design can be divided roughly into two categories. Fragment based Fragment based drug design involve Identifying low molecular weight compounds that weakly attach to a biological object macromolecule and will then be modified or connected to yield potent inhibitors. The specificity of these low difficulty and low affinity molecules has rarely been discussed in the writings (, 2014). Computational drug design Drugs and associated biologically active molecules can be studied, improved and discovered by using computational chemistry in computer-aided drug design. In computer-aided drug design the most important aim is to predict if a certain molecule will attach to an object and if that is the case then how strongly does it attach. Often molecular dynamics or molecular mechanics are mostly used to predict the conformation of the small molecule and to model conformational changes in the biological object that might occur when the small molecule attach to it. An estimation of the binding affinity can also be obtained by the use of molecular mechanics methods. Likewise, information based scoring function can also be used in order to obtain binding affinity predictions (Young, 2009). The methods mentioned use statistical techniques such as linear regression, neural nets, machine learning, etc. This is used in order to derive estimated binding affinity equations by adding experimental affinities to computationally derived communication energies among the object and the molecule. If it is possible, the computational method will succeed in estimating affinity before a compound is fused. Therefore, in principle, just a single compound is needed to fuse. This is more efficient and will save a lot of time and money. However, the current computational methods available are not as perfect yet. At its best the computational methods gives just qualitatively accurate approximations of affinity. At the moment it still requires a few repetition of design, fusion and tests until a desired prime drug is found (Young, 2009). List of reference: 2014. Crystallization Impact on the Nature and Properties of the Crystalline Product. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Mar 2014]. Drug design. 2014. [e-book] Available through: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014]. Ligand-based drug design. 2014. [e-book] Available through: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014]. Young, D. C. 2009. Computational drug design. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. 2014. Fragment based drug design: from experimental [Curr Med Chem. 2012] PubMed NCBI. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

AIDS :: Free AIDS Essays

Michelle Lee Pelletier & Sarah Smith December, 16, 1998 Mr. Marquis Honors Chemistry Aids A.I.D.S is an epidemic of the nineties. There are over one million people infected with the HIV in the United States, and over 250,000 cases of Aids. The World Health Organization estimates that there are between five and ten million infected with the H.I.V virus. This number is rising steadily. A.I.D.S is the end result of H.I.V, and to this day there is no cure. H.I.V was discovered in 1981, but not until 1984 was it proven to be the cause of A.I.D.S. Since then the definition of A.I.D.S. has changed many times, and will no doubt keep changing. And as people learn more about it, they seek out a cure. Scientist have been working hard on a cure for more than a decade. They have come up with many pill "cocktails" or other forms of medications, but so far the cure is still far away. People with A.I.D.S/HIV are running out of time, yet it seems that there is sadly till a lot of ignorance and misunderstanding of the disease, and without understanding a cure is pushed farther aw ay. Stealing a chance of survival from another person. The myths and truths need to be sorted out, a cure must be found, and the disease itself must be contained. The HIV virus was discovered in 1981. Compared to many other diseases that have had a relatively huge impact on mankind, it is relatively new. Cancers and so forth have been here since man. HIV was not connected to Aids, or proven to be the cause until 1984. Since The discovery it has gone through many changes, and many names. HIV was formally known as Lymphadenopathy-associated virus (lAV), Human T-Cell lymotropic virus type III (HTLV III). It is relatively new, which means that both AIDS and HIV are subjected to much change through the new few decades, we may know a significant amount about it at this time, but new information is learned everyday. The information behind the cause of Aids is inconclusive. Though it has been said the first case from a monkey in Africa, this may not be the story, but man did get the virus from monkeys. How they got it from the monkey is another thing. Perhaps the "monkey" (which is immune to the virus, which is believed to be because the mon key doesn't have co-receptors on it's white blood cells) had bleeding gums or had a higher content of HIV in its blood system.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Penn State Crew :: Rowing Regattas Sports Athletics Essays

Penn State Crew Penn State Crew is a completely student run organization dedicated towards preparing its members towards rowing competitions, called regattas. Since its inception in 1994, the team has seen periods of immense growth. No longer is the day when Penn State Crew is struggling to compete for dead last. Instead, we are bringing home the hardware as evidenced by our very successful fall and winter seasons (for complete results, please visit the team's homepage.) The team just recently purchased two eight-man Vespoli shells and a new boathouse is currently in the design phase and is planned on being constructed at the team's home lake, Bald Eagle Lake, located about thirty plus minutes from the University Park campus. Penn State Crew is very fortunate because it is one of a few club sports here at Penn State that has actual, paid, highly qualified coaches who bring an immense rowing knowledge base to the team. We are looking forward to this Spring 2003 season as one filled with much pr omise, lofty expectations and phenomenal competition with some of the nation's premier rowing squads. Please follow our progress all season at the team's homepage, The Reason We Do This... A fierce shriek pierces the serene darkness of night. Snoring is still heard from the football players who live next door as a figure stirs in the lofted bed. Groggily, without glasses or contacts, a calloused hand reaches out towards the annoying sound that all non-morning people have come to hate. Suddenly complete, utter silence is restored as the alarm is shut off. A yawn and swing of the legs soon lands bare feet on the cold floor of a dorm room in Hartranft Hall at Penn State. Eyes are rubbed and open and shut five or six times rather rapidly as they try and focus on the iridescent green digits that stare back. â€Å"4:37† reads the alarm clock and radio contraption designed with an alarm loud enough to wake Satan from deep slumber in the bowels of hell. Without any warning, a whirlwind of action commences and within fifteen minutes, the rower emerges from the shadows and is on his way to another Penn State Crew practice. Craziness. Sheer craziness is how the athletes on the crew team are most commonly described by anyone at all who resides on this campus.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nissan: Culture and Earlier Cg Uses

CM J41 Strategy Execution [pic] 1. 0 Resume: The case is about the turnaround of Nissan in the year 1999 to 2002. Nissan experienced great finances looses for the past seven out of eight years which resulted in a 22 billion $ debt and an outdated product portfolio with little liquid capital for new product development. In just 12 months the new COO, Carlos Ghosn (CG), succeeded in turning Nissan into profitability with a new and more performance oriented corporate culture. 2. Evaluation of Carlos Ghosn’s approach to turning Nissan around: The overall evaluation of CG is full of success which, I think, is duo to his personal background, his philosophies of management and a little bit of luck. CG has a multicultural background and has proven himself having capacity for global leadership. In his career he has learned to manage large operations under adverse condition on four different continents and speaks five languages. He has a very open and pragmatic approach towards his surr oundings, with this in mind his specialty is improving cost efficiencies, and this has earned him the nickname â€Å"Le Cost-Killer†.CG philosophies of management consist of three principals. These are transparency, execution and communication which all are essential to give employees structure and direction. His leadership style is characterized by him being achievement orientated, participative, supportive and directive leader. Furthermore a unique quality and vital factor for CG success is in my opinion was his implementation of the Cross Functional Teams (CFT) and his approach to cultural conflict, which he sees as an opportunity to create rapid innovation, if paced and channelled correctly. In the above mentioned I state, that CGs approach was a success.In the following four aspects I will try to prove this, by stressing out different arguments from the case combined with relevant theory. 2. 1 Resistance to change: People do not resist change but specific things. (Notes lec. 5) Over 50 % of all change initiatives in organizations fail to succeed and when this occurs, leaders often blame resistance. They assume that if only people would stop complaining and get on board, all would be fine (Ford et al. , 2009). But resistance is, in fact, a form of feedback, often provided by people who know more about day-to-day operations than you do.It can therefore be turned into a vibrant conversation that gives your change effort a higher profile (Ford et al. , 2009). This could be one of the reasons to why CG set up the CFT. Dismissing the feedback deprives you of potentially valuable information, costs you goodwill, and jeopardizes important relationships. If you learn to embrace resistance, you can use it as a resource and find your way to a better solution (Ford et al. , 2009). Resistance, properly understood as feedback, can be an important resource in improving the quality and clarity of the objectives and strategies at the heart of a change proposal.And, properly used, it can enhance the prospects for successful implementation (Ford et al. , 2009). Looking at the theory applied and the case, I believe that the resistance to change that CG faced was inevitable. As I see it one of the main reasons for resistances was due to the culture background, however there were several of underlying causes that could create a tension and resistance to change at Nissan. One is a more general conflict that arises when trying to move people, who do not find movement necessary.Another resistance point could be the urge for protecting ones career development, which before the intervention of CG was based on promotion on seniority basis and a zero mistake culture, which resulted in general a lack of innovation, a slow decision making and risk adverse mentality. To this CG responded with a change in the career development structure at Nissan, so that the highest achievers got the highest rewards and promotion was based on performance, leading to higher performance, willingness to make mistakes and create an innovation platform.Although these initiatives where not without resistance, because of the promotion of some younger leader over older, long serving employees which was in opposition to Japanese culture norms, CG took the same approach as with cultural differences and saw growth opportunities instead of problems for the young managers since they where challenged in their authority, which gave them growth experiences. As an overall when it comes to turning a company around as drastically as was needed for Nissan it is bound to create some resistance, and that CG new and was prepared for.Such a big change makes the future uncertain for many employees and the uncertainty is something many naturally try to avoid, and thereby instinctively becomes resistant. This Combined with a strong Japanese traditions, an organizational culture that has hindered innovation, adaptability and accountability, and last but not least a Japanese gov ernment that historically always have bailed out troubled employees, thereby creating no reason for action, and a feeling of no urgency, only made the resistance worse.All this being said, I am convinced that CG handed the resistance to change ideally. He didn’t as Ford el al. points out hold any possible reason for failure on resistance, and thereby risking overlooking opportunities to strengthen operational outcomes. 2. 2 Organizational culture: A part of the organizational culture at Nissan was the sub optimization with focus only on each individuals own department with little regard for understanding the company as a whole. This including other aspects of the organizational culture resulted in CG detecting a series of problems.From management side, the most fundamental ones was the lack of vision and ignoring customer voices. Furthermore he identified problems with, lack of clear profit orientation, lack of sense of urgency, no shared vision, insufficient focus on custome r and too much focus on competitors and lack of cross functional implementations. As a consequence of these findings CG organized nine CFTs for tackling Nissan’s cultural problems, and allowing the company to develop a new corporate culture from the best elements of Japan`s national culture.Working together in the CFTs helped managers think in new ways (innovation) and challenge the existing practices (efficiency). CG explained to employees at all levels of the company that they them selves possessed solutions to Nissan’s problems, giving them a sense of responsibility and ownership in turning Nissan around. It was neither top-down nor bottom-up. It was both â€Å"top-down and bottom-up. † CG could just have formulated solutions by himself and ordered them to be implemented by senior managers, but he believed in the managers and employees in Nissan, nd he was good at showing them this. As mentioned in 2. 0 he believed that if one just dictated changes from above , the effort could backfire, undermining morale and productivity. The CFTs was a way to minor the resistance to change and involve and motivate middle managers who had detailed information about the company’s daily business and had the potential to come up with solutions to the company’s problems. Even before taking over the position as COO, he had industry analysts against him, whom anticipated a culture clash between the French leadership style and his new Japanese employees.This could also have affected some employee attitude towards CG in a negative way beforehand. Besides this I am convinced that many parts of the Nissan organization did not feel very good about having CG changing things as drastically as he did. A labeling from the media as a gaijin, a foreigner and a reduction of 21,000 jobs, will inevitably create an uncertainty and therefore opponents among both lower level employees as well as higher in the hierarchy.Also the new employee advancement strategy , which challenged the traditional career advancement, created some negative emotions towards CG among the older, longer serving employees, since they were no longer automatically granted with a career advancement for long time service in the company. Furthermore, layoff of several of managers who did not meet targets regardless of circumstances and the demotion of Vice President of Sales and Marketing in Japan presumably created resistance and discontent.But I do believe that CG was successful in enlisting most of the organizations support over a fairly short period of time, though his leadership style, where his visibility and openness to taking recommendations & opinions of Nissan people seriously. Another reason is the respect for leadership that is inherent in most Japanese. This made his approach to leadership even more effective. Also the delegation of responsibilities to the CFTs helped getting the support of middle and lower levels, so he could focus his attention on top ma nagement. 2. 3 National culture:The national culture has without a doubt played a large part in the outcome of CG’s attempt to turn Nissan around. On one hand it hindered change because of the sense of security the government created and its rigid approach to decision making and career advancement. On the other hand the respect for leadership made it easier for him and his CFTs to have an impact on the organization. The cultural differences between CG and the Nissan organization was profound because he had never been exposed to Japanese culture before, but his approach to the culture ensured that he was fully aware of the issues that could arise.He stated that he wanted to discover Japan by being in Japan with Japanese people. That shows his humble and respectful approach to their culture, which I think benefited him allot and which I in the following will show some examples of. The respectful approach to the Japanese culture forced e. g. CG to pay extra attention on the empo werment of employees. As mentioned, Japanese business culture is characterized by a search for conscientiousness, corporation, group harmony, and an avoidance of mistakes. This all leads to a delay of decision making and a lack of responsibility.The introduction of CFTs was in my opinion a strategic stroke of genius because it was partly an attempt to break with the inconveniences of Japanese culture without harassing the fundamentals and partly because people in the CFTs got a bird’s eye perspective of the company and it gave them a sense of ownership and responsibility, which was necessary to turn things around. Cultural conflict could, in my opinion, easily be a root to resistance to change but as mentioned earlier CG uses and see cultural conflict as something positive if handled correctly, which also is in line with both Ford et al. and Dent et al. iew of how resistance to change should be handled (Ford et al. , 2009) (Dent et al. , 1999). By introducing the CFTs CG also avoided the failure that many companies often do in the execution of their strategy, which is going directly to the structural reorganization. Instead he focused on some of the most powerful drivers of effectiveness – decision rights and information flows (Nielson et al, 2008). The CFTs had in their ability of being cross functional all the information they needed to take the right decisions and by encouraging the members to come forth with their ideas and take risks the effectiveness of the CFTs was even greater.CG also changed the traditional Japanese compensation system to a more Western approach with possibility for employee advancements based on performance instead of seniority. This greatly empowered the talented employees, who was much needed in the turnaround but was also a source of conflict between young leader and older, longer-serving employees. But again CG saw a possible conflict as a positive thing. â€Å"†¦these tests of authority were growth experience s for young managers†.This shows again his personal ability to turn challenges into something good and productive. 2. 4 Luck and timing: There is no doubt that CG was lucky. His timing was impeccable as the bankruptcy of Yamaichi happened when he took office as COO in Nissan. The misfortune of the major financial house in Japan helped open the eyes of the employees in Nissan. The employees realized that lifetime employment was no longer a reality and that they had to do their own part to secure the company’s future and thus their own jobs.CG, to his credit, used the Yamaichi example whenever he could to continue to motivate his employees, repeating that their fate would be no different if they did not put all of their effort into figuring out, and then executing, the best way to turn Nissan around. By repeating the story CG paved the way for a major organizational and cultural change that otherwise would have been hard to push through. If people do not see why change is necessary, then motivation for change will be nonexistent.Moving a huge organization simply by brute force is an impossible task, but CG’s strike of luck created a powerful momentum that diminished potential resistance to change. Without this, CG and his CFTs would probably have faced a much more daunting task if the turnaround had taken place few years earlier. But it was not all luck. CG a used the bankruptcy strategic in the meaning of unfreezing the organization in Lewins words or as Cotter expresses it â€Å"creating a burning platform†. By telling the story over and over again he made the organization and every employee ready for change.When everyone was ready CG created a vision that was tangible, concise, and easy to relate to for the employees. It is not enough to create a great vision. It also has to be communicated effectively to the organization. CG was aware of this as the quote below shows â€Å"He was the first manager to actually walk around the entir e company and meet every employee in person, shaking hands and introducing himself†. CG was prepared to â€Å"walk the talk† himself and did so by taking the lead and thereby showing the employees the way. 3. 0 Conclusion: All in all I think CG did an incredible job turning Nissan around in a very short period of time.Inspired by the voting we have done in the class, I would give him a 12, the highest mark. As a non-Japanese COO he managed to overcome Japanese cultural obstacles, as well as effectively transforming a bureaucratic organizational culture and turning a large continuing deficit into a profit within 12 month. One could question though whether his successor will be able to continue what CG started or if he needs to find his own way. Either way, CG has a justifiable concern for the future of Nissan. They might be on the right path, but they are still far from reaching their goals.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Healthcare Reimbursement

Phase One Individual Project Ernestine. Robles1 Colorado Technical University Online HIT201-1104B-02 Professor Sherry Miller November 21, 2011 (Microsoft Office Media, 1998) Healthcare Reimbursement Medical coding is an important process, in which descriptive information (patient medical records) is reviewed, and assigned detailed numeric, or alphanumeric diagnosis, and procedure codes’, for the purpose of reimbursing hospitals’, or physicians’ offices’, for services’ rendered (Ehow. com, 1999-2001; AHIMA. org, 2011). These codes are then translated into payment amounts, to be submitted to insurance companies’, for compensation (Ehow. om, 1999-2001). The hospitals’ and physicians’ rely on â€Å"complete coding accuracy†, or codes without â€Å"any† errors, or inadequacies (clean claims), to be submitted to insurance companies in a suitable time, in order to be processed, and reimbursed for services’ performe d (Campus. ctuonline. edu, 2001-2011). The more detailed information the coder provides, the more accurate the billing and coding will be (Campus. ctuonline. edu, 2001-2011). Accurate coding is beneficial to the financial business end of hospitals’, and physicians’ offices’ because, if the coding is not correct, insurance companies will not pay the costs for the claims’ (Ehow. om, 1999-2001; AHIMA. org, 2011). Therefore, this can result in thousands of dollars’ in loss revenue for medical organizations’. To date, there are no â€Å"National† standards to really determine medical coding productivity (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). Coding productivity is determined by each individual medical organization, establishing their own â€Å"principles of productivity†, based on record categories, such as â€Å"inpatient or outpatient status (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). According to the HCPro survey (1999-2001), twenty-nine per cent of facilities used a â€Å"three records coded per hour† system, as a â€Å"benchmark† (standard), for coding inpatient records’ (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). Furthermore, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), established a certain amount of benchmarks, for coders to get claims in on time also (Ehow. com, 1999-2001); for inpatient charts, there was a benchmark of two to four charts per hour, and for outpatient records, standard coding time, was five to twenty records per hour, depending on the type (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). It is important coders meet the requirements, and work to minimize errors (Ehow. com, 1999-2001); the more accurate, and productive the coder is, the more the facility will be reimbursed for services rendered (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). It is crucial for coders to comply with State and Federal guidelines (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). Compliance guidelines are established in the â€Å"Internal Classification for Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) for coding and reporting, issued by the Center for Medicare, and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)† (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). Also, assigning diagnosis and procedure codes is required under the â€Å"Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)† (Ehow. com, 1999-2001). Between the coder and the healthcare provider, it is important for both parties to work together, to â€Å"complete precise documentation, coding assignments, and reporting of diagnoses and procedures† (Compliance. uclahealth. org, n. d; Campus. ctuonline. edu, 2001-2011). There cannot be enough importance put on â€Å"accurate documentation†, because without accuracy, coding will not be successful (Compliance. uclahealth. org, n. d; Campus. ctuonline. edu, 2001-2011). In addition to this, under the â€Å"National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI), the consequences of inaccurate coding, or increased errors’, can result in criminal prosecution† (Campus. ctuonline. edu, 2001-2011). Some of the benefits of the â€Å"Outpatient Code Editor† (OCE) software, which helps maintain consistency, in processing claims for coders is, â€Å"editing claims for accuracy, assigning’ APCs, as well as assigning CMS-designated status indicators’, in addition to computing discounts, determining claim dispositions’, if packaging is appropriate, and helps’ determine payment adjustments, if necessary (Cms. ov, n. d. ). Coding references is an important tool, used to assist coders with more accurate coding by identifying minuscule differences between similar CPT codes from operative reports the first time (Medetrac. com, 2010-2012). The coding clinic is a resource newsletter that provides’ coding advice for HCPCS Leve l II coders (Casto & Layman, 2011). This newsletter is an important resource, because it â€Å"provides actual examples’, correct code assignments’ for new technologies, articles’, and a bulletin of coding changes’ and/or corrections† (Casto & Layman, 2011). The CPT assistant is a newsletter from the American Medical Association (AMA), used for coding communications, to keep coders up to date, clinical explanations’ for baffling codes, coding consultations’ to answer questions, anatomical illustrations, and information equivalent with the Federal Register (Medetrac. com, 2010-2012). Lab and drug dictionaries are used by coders to alert them to common spelling errors, pronunciations’, and words that are similar in form, and meaning (Medetrac. com, 2010-2012). Lab and drug dictionaries would eliminate errors’ coders’ could make, when two words sound the same, or have similar spelling (Medetrac. com, 2010-2012); in addition, the dictionaries would present what common abbreviations to use, and not use, in medical orders (Medetrac. com, 2010-2012). This is useful because it would eliminate primary mistakes on the reports. Medical dictionaries is a reference which list drugs, treatments, medical abbreviations, medical terms, definitions, translations, signs and symptoms of common disorders, and practical phases, used in daily communication with patients (Medetrac. com, 2010-2012). Lastly, anatomy references for coders are used to enhance, and interpret a coders understanding, of medical documentation, and correct code assignments (Codingbooks. com, 2011). After reviewing all the information gathered on the â€Å"coding reference, the coding clinic, and the CPT assistant, the lab, and drug dictionaries, the medical dictionaries, and the anatomy reference, the conclusion that has been drawn, is â€Å"all† of the references are equally important, when used together to guarantee coding accuracy for all coders. References AHIMA. org. (2011). Medical Coding. American Health Information Management Association. AHIMA. Retrieved November 17, 2011 from http://www. ahima. org/coding/ Casto, B. A. , & Layman, E. (2011). Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement. 3rd Edition. American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Illinois: AHIMA Press. Codingbooks. com. (2011). Anatomy and terminology for eyes and bars. Anatomy and terminology for coders elearning. Course Overview. Description. Coding Store. Contexo Media. Access Intelligence, LLC. Retrieved November 21, 2011 from http://www. codingbooks. com/books/coding_reference/Anatomy-and-Terminology-for-Coders-eLearning_25. html Cms. gov. (n. d. ). Outpatient Code Editor (OCE). OCE Purpose: Purpose of the OPPS I/OCE functionality. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved November 21, 2011 from http://www. cms. gov/OutpatientCodeEdit/10_Purpose. asp#TopOfPage Colorado Technical University Online. (2011). Course materials: Healthcare reimbursements: Regulatory issues and coding compliance. HIT201-1104B-02 Phase 1 Individual Project activity: Healthcare Reimbursement [Multimedia presentation]. Retrieved from Colorado Technical University Online Virtual Campus, November 21, 2011from https://campus. ctuonline. du/Classroom/Pages/multimediacoursetext. aspx? classid=260129&tid=130&uid=251269&HeaderText=Course Materials: HIT201-1104B-02: Healthcare Reimbursement Colorado Technical University Online. (2011). Course material: Processing physician office claims. HIT201-1104B-02 Phase 1 Individual Project activity: Healthcare Reimbursement [Multimedia presentation]. Retrieved from Colorado Technical University Online Virtual Campus, November 17, 2011 from HIT201-1104B-02: https://campus. ctuonline. edu/courses/HIT201/p1/hub1/14921. pdf Compliance. uclahealth. org. (n. d. ). ICD-9-CM official guidelines for coding and reporting. Effective October 1, 2008. Retrieved November 21, 2011 from http://compliance. uclahealth. org/Workfiles/PDFs/ICD_9_CM_Official_Guidelines_for_Coding_and_Reporting_Effect ive_October_1_2008. pdf Ehow. com. (1999-2001). Importance of medical coding for hospitals. Reimbursements. Written by Jacqueline Wilson, Ehow Contributor. Demand Media, Inc. Retrieved November 17, 2011 from http://www. ehow. com/facts_5918637_importance-medical-coding-hospitals. html Ehow. com. (1999-2001). Medical coding productivity standards. Productivity standards. Written by Cynthia Murphy, Ehow Contributor. Demand Media, Inc. Retrieved November 17, 2011.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Optimizing Physical Properties of Municipal Waste Sites

OPTIMIZING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MUNICIPAL WASTE SITES TO SUITAS A CONSTRUCTION SITE Abstraction Waste is universally generated by homo from their assorted activities. Besides sum of waste coevals is increasing really quickly. Open dumping of municipal solid waste is common pattern in srilanka. Bloemendal waste pace was taken as instance survey of this research. Bloemendhal shit waste is silty sand type and such dirt can be treated with traditional calcium hydroxide and cement stabilizes methods. The end of this research was to better shit waste to upgrade its strength and public presentation of the dirt. The selected stabilizes were lime and cement. Key findings of the research are, ( 1 ) Strength of treated dirt additions with clip, ( 2 ) Strength fluctuation with cement and calcium hydroxide content, ( 3 ) Strength Variation with wet content, ( 4 ) Applicability of cement and calcium hydroxide as a stabilizer, ( 5 ) strength fluctuation with Water/amendment ratio. Introduction Waste We can be merely explicate as any stuffs that is discarded by worlds after its intent is obtained.Waste is increase twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours due to the all human activities in all over the universe. This sort of Waste we can split in to three classs. They are Solid, liquid and gaseous. In developing states Open Dumpsites are common, due to the low budget for waste disposal. Open dumping of municipal solid waste is common patterns in Sri Lanka. By pattern dumping of waste at land fill sites is done. But this can do by negative facets people populating in the vicinity. The chemicals used in waste can be carried by H2O and affects the land H2O. And besides these sort chemicals assorted with rain H2O and rain H2O transported them in to our imbibing beginnings. Such as rivers, lakes and etc. This has become a major issue at present. The shit paces, after stabilisation of solid waste utilizing calcium hydroxide and cement can be used for the building of assorted development undertakings like edifice sites, resort areas, recreational countries etc. this scheme is really advantageous when urban countries are concerned where sufficient infinite can non be found for recreational intents and other sort of development undertakings. Besides the stabilised solid waste can be economically used as fills for roads and roads embankments. Waste can be slackly defined as any stuff that is considered to be of no farther usage to the proprietor and is, therefore discarded. Waste is generated universally and is a direct effect of all human activities. Wastes are by and large classified into solid, liquid and gaseous. In developing states unfastened garbage dumps are common, due to the low budget for waste disposal. Open dumping of municipal solid waste is a common pattern in Sri Lanka. The disposal of wastes in landfill sites has progressively caused concern about possible inauspicious wellness effects for population life nearby, peculiarly in relation to those sites where risky waste is dumped. In the environment, chemicals and other contaminations found in solid waste can ooze into our groundwater and can besides be carried by rain H2O to rivers and lakes that are our beginnings for imbibing H2O. The shit paces, after stabilisation of solid waste utilizing calcium hydroxide and cement can be used for the building of assorted development undertakings like edifice sites, playgrounds recreational countries etc. this scheme is really advantageous when urban countries are concerned where sufficient infinite can non be found for recreational intents and other sorts of development undertakings. Besides the stabilised solid waste can be economically used as fills of roads and route embankments. Comprehensive research works must be carried out to measure the suitableness of stabilised solid waste for route fills in footings of its strength.LITERATURE REVIEWThis research is all about the traditional dirt stabilizers viz. lime and cement. The stabilisation mechanisms and the effectivity of those stabilizers have been demonstrated by many research workers in many applications. This literature reappraisal focal point on the known belongingss of traditional stabilizers as relevant to the r esearch.Soil stabilisationStabilization was defined as the betterment of dirt strength under applied burden by Bulbul ( 2013 ) and besides stabilisation was described as the change of the dirt belongingss by chemical or physical agencies in order to heighten the technology quality of the dirt by Ankit ( 2013 ) .In general dirt stabilisation can be described as a procedure of bettering certain coveted belongingss in dirt stuff. Soil stuffs which have been thought non utile in technology application can be improved utilizing dirt stabilisation procedure. McNally ( 1998 ) showed that the betterments of dirt belongingss are caused by dirt stabilisation can include the undermentioned strength, volume stableness and lastingness features. Sodium and K cations are normally found in expansive clay dirt and those can be exchanged with cations like Ca, which are found in calcium hydroxide, Portland cement and fly ash. This is a rapid reaction and ion exchange procedure takes topographic point frequently within a few hours. The Ca cations replace with the Na cations around the dirt atoms. So soil stabilisation is a long term strength addition activity. ( Justin 2004 ) Soil stabilisation is really utile when it is more economical to get the better of a lack in a readily available stuff than to convey in one that to the full complies with the demands of specification for the dirt ( Ola,1975 ) . This dirt stabilisation method can be used where no other economic option is available. The chief addictives for dirt stabilisation,Gravel crushed sumPortland cementCalcium hydroxideThe magnitude of dirt stabilisation is measured by the addition in strength as determined from unconfined compaction testing.Lime stabilisationThere are t wo primary types of calcium hydroxide is used today in the building field are quicklime ( Calcium oxide ) and hydrated calcium hydroxide ( calcium hydrated oxide ) . Heating limestone at higher temperatures produces quicklime and the add-on of H2O to the calcium oxide produces hydrated calcium hydroxide ( 5 ) . Equation ( 2.1 ) shows the reaction of limestone when it is heated. That produces quicklime with C dioxide as a by-product. CaCo3+ Heat i? CaO + CO2( 2.1 ) Equation ( 2.2 ) shows that add-on of H2O to the calcium oxide CaO produces hydrated lime/Ca ( OH )2with heat as a byproduct. CaO +H2O i? Ca ( OH )2+ Heat ( 2.2 ) Soil conditions and mineralogical belongingss have a important consequence on the long-run strength addition in dirt and lime blend ( 5 ) . Introduction of Ca hydrated oxide increases Ph, doing the silicon oxide and aluminum oxide in the clay particles to go soluble and interact with the Ca in a pozzolanic reaction ( 5, 7 ) . A pozzolonic reaction between silicon oxide or aluminum oxide in the clay atoms and Ca from the calcium hydroxide can organize a cemented construction that increases the strength of the stabilised dirt. Residual Ca must stay in the system to unite with the available silicon oxide or aluminum oxide and to maintain the pH high plenty to keep the pozzolanic creative activity ( 5 ) . The per centum of calcium hydroxide used for any undertaking depends on the dirt type being stabilized. The finding of the measure of calcium hydroxide is normally based on an analysis of the consequence that different calcium hydroxide per centums have on the decrease of malleability and the addition in strength of the dirt. However, most all right grained dirt can be efficaciously stabilized with 3 % -10 % of calcium hydroxide, based on the dry weight of the dirt. Lime is used extensively to alter the technology belongingss of powdered dirts. It is most effectual in handling plastic clays capable of keeping big sum of H2O ( 6 ) . 2.1.2 Cement stabilisation Portland cement is a multi-mineral compound made up of Ca oxide, aluminum oxide, silicon oxide and Fe ( 5 ) . When stabilisation of dirt is done by blending dirt with cement in different proportions is called as dirt cement stabilisation. Soil cement is a mixture of powdered dirt and mensural sum of H2O and cement, compacted to desired denseness and cured ( 1 ) . When cement is assorted with H2O, cementing compound of calcium-silicate-hydrate ( C-S-H ) and calcium-aluminate-hydrate ( C-A-H ) are formed ( 5 ) . With lime stabilisation, the silicon oxide is provided when the clay atom is broken down. With cement stabilisation, the cement already contains the silicon oxide without necessitating to interrupt down the clay mineral. Therefore, unlike lime stabilisation, cement stabilisation is reasonably independent of the dirt belongingss. ( 8 ) . Some Ca is available to respond with the clay atom early in the alteration procedure when H2O is added, and extra Ca becomes available subsequently as it forms during cement hydration ( 5 ) . The hydrates help to stabilise disturbed clay atoms through cementation. The hydration reactions and strength additions for the most portion between 24 hours and 28 yearss ( 5 ) . The function of cement is to better the technology belongingss of available dirt such as strength squeezability, permeableness, swelling possible and sensitiveness to alter in wet content. Soil cement stuffs range from semi flexible to semi stiff depending on the type of dirt and sum of dirt used ( 1 ) .